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Paleo granola with Acai Powder

Paleo granola with Acai Powder

Acai Berry Powder sprinkled on a Paleo Granola, Yum

Acai Berry powder can be served on healthy cereals to make an easy healthy breakfast and our Mulberry Tree natural wholefoods paleo granola makes a perfect combination

Acai berry powder served on a Paleo granola from Opera Foods #operafoods #paleo #acai
Acai Powder on Crispy Apple Paleo Granola

We invite you to eat some organic Acai Berry powder from importer Amazon Power, on a perfect paleo granola for an extremely nutritious and easy healthy breakfast experience.

Mulberry Tree brand produces an delicious  paleo granola that is filled with all natural wholefoods and excludes cereal grains to make it a true paleo food product.

When served with a teaspoon of Amazon Power’s organic acai berry powder you will have an additional load of healthy nutrients and antioxidants to improve your health and well being. You should consume a spoon-full of organic acai berry powder every day for a natural healthy diet .

Acai berry is a blackish purple coloured wild berry harvested from the palm trees in the huge Amazon rain forests of eastern Brazil. For centuries the Amazon’s indigenous people have used Acai berries for healing and for nutrition.

Modern clinical studies now present acai berries as one of the most important superfoods , and one of the nutritional powerhouse fruits for its antioxidants.

Organic acai berry powder is also a perfect product for mixing more nutrients and antioxidants into any kind of fresh fruit or vegetable smoothie. It is also great as a topping on deserts or served in a tea. Organic acai berry powder offers the important convenience of not needing refrigeration so its a convenient food additive that is great for your health.

Buy both Mulberry Tree brand Crispy Apple Paleo Granola as well as Amazon Power‘s organic acai berry powder online today under organic products from Fine Food Distributors Opera Foods.

NB: This is a revision of Article that first released on Opera Foods Pty Ltd Gourmet & Organic Food news.

#operafoods #mulberrytree #amazonpower #paleo #paleogranola #acai #acaiberry #organicacaiberrypowder